9:30 a.m. : Sunday School

10:30 a.m. : In-Person Worship in the Sanctuary

Nursery Service will be offered with Lisa Allen.

Children's Worship and Wonder is not scheduled.

Message for October 6th:   “Created for Relationship”.



Experiencing & Sharing Christ

through Love & Service

Thank You to our August Soup for the Soul volunteers
Thank You to our August Soup for the Soul volunteers

Tickets are on sale now for the annual Antique Quilt Raffle.  Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.  The beautiful quilt pictured here will be raffled off on November 2nd, following First Christian Church's Annual Christmas Bazaar and Soup N' Cornbread Luncheon.

Imani Milele Choir Came to FCC Murray in June
Imani Milele Choir Came to FCC Murray in June